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Welcome to The ConnXion Experience In-Studio Hip Hop Convention. This convention is geared towards educating both students and teachers the knowledge needed to understand more about hip hop and street culture, and to cultivate the fundamental skills needed to become proficient at the style. Below is an overview of what will be taught at the convention and what to expect.


We look forward to seeing you soon at your location for an experience your students and faculty will never forget while learning and growing when it comes to the street dance/hip hop world.


Click on the links below to go directly to the topic.


1. About the convention

2. Clinic Descriptions:

3.  Typical Convention Schedule

4.  Pricing & Requirements

5.  Visual Media


About the Convention


At the start of every season, most dance studios start setting choreography on their dancers and dance companies for upcoming competitions throughout the year. Hip Hop isn’t the strength at most studios!



ConnXion Experience
  • Do you want your dancers well prepared for their hip hop piece?

  • Do you want your dancers looking sharper, hitting harder and isolating with strength?

  • Do you want your dancers to become better performers?


​These are just some of the things we can help your students with.


The convention is broken up into two segments. Because it’s in a more intimate studio setting, you will have a choice of either doing a one-day Fundamentals and Performance Training Clinic which will include a Hip Hop History Seminar, a one-day Choreography Clinic, or BOTH over a two-day period.

Fundamentals Clinic
Performance Training
Choreography Clinic
Student Showcase
HHC Demo


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Hip Hop History Seminar

The Hip Hop ConnXion teachers will comprehensively go over the basic history explaining who the creators, innovators and influencers of some of the different hip hop and street styles we do today. They will also teach the terminology and the timeline of the hip hop and street dance culture.

Fundamentals Clinic

The Hip Hop ConnXion HQ professional dance company will bring in their expert teachers to help educate your students with the hardcore fundamentals needed in hip hop and street dance to make competition and exhibition hip hop pieces look better as a whole.


Performance Training

We know that getting dancers to perform can be challenging, so the HHC teachers help to hone performance skills by giving the students invaluable performance exercises and drills that will help them to be stronger and more explosive through the use of facial expressions and vocal exercises.


The students, from 6 years of age up to adult professional level will be taught key fundamentals such as popping, waving, locking, isolations, housing and other styles of hip hop tailored towards what you believe are your dancer’s strengths and weaknesses.


Choreography Clinic

If you feel you are already strong on Fundamentals or just need more choreography training, we will focus on different styles of Hip Hop/Street Dance choreography teaching up to 3 classes (per level if requested). We will also work with your students on important performance techniques to make the overall presentation look dynamic and exciting.

Student Showcase and Critique (Optional)

At the end of either or both clinics, the students will have the opportunity to showcase routines they have already been taught for the upcoming season or routines from the previous season which will be constructively critiqued as part of the Studio Company showcase.

Hip Hop ConnXion Demonstration

The clinic will end with a Hip Hop ConnXion HQ performance demonstrating some of the skills the students learned during the clinic, and what YOUR dancers can strive to achieve.

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Ultimately your dancers (and teachers) will walk away with a wealth of knowledge they may not have previously had before which will help with their overall confidence, skill and ability in hip hop.

Clinic Descriptions



The following convention schedules can be altered to provide a one or two day experience depending on what you are specifically looking for. To receive the full benefit of the convention, two days is highly recommended. Most studios do a Saturday and Sunday combination, but we can schedule it almost any day of the week depending on our teacher's availability.  


We can start the convention or alter the timing below to also fit your studio's availability and the amount of roomsin the studio.

Suggested Levels (can be combined or altered at the host studio’s discretion)


Mini’s: 6-9 years old

Beg/Int: 9 or 10+

Adv: 12 or 13+


  • 1 hour classes except the mini’s which will be 45 minutes

  • Teachers will rotate classes (if there are multiple levels)



30 mins

1½ hours

15 mins

1½ hours

1 hour

30 mins

1 hour   


10 mins

15-30 mins

15 mins


15 mins



Hip Hop History Seminar

Warm up

Fundamental training

Performance training


Masterclass (Students split into different

levels if there are multiple levels)

Student showcase

Studio Company Showcase with critiques

Hip Hop ConnXion HQ showcase

(if there are more than two HHC teachers)

Wrap Up with Q&A session

Approximate Total time around 6½ - 7 hours



30 mins

15 mins

45 mins-1 hr

45 mins-1 hr

15 mins

45 mins-1 hr

15 mins

15-30 mins



15 mins



Warm up

Class 1

Class 2


Class 3

Student showcase

Studio Company Showcase with critiques

Hip Hop ConnXion HQ showcase

(if there are more than two HHC teachers)

Wrap Up with Q&A session

Approximate Total time around 4½ - 6 hours

Note: If the Fundamentals and Choreography Workshops are being condensed to one day, we will tailor the schedule accordingly.

Pricing & Requirements
Convention Schedule


Due to the way we customize each location, the pricing will be per student and will vary based on:

  • How many days the convention is (1 or 2 days)

  • How many students are expected to attend (if under or over 40 students)

  • Whether the convention is within 60 miles of Schaumburg, IL or out of that range/different state


All Pricing covers travel expenses such as vehicle rental/gas miles or airfare.


Please email us at and one of our representatives will contact you to discuss exact pricing.



  • It is at the studios discretion how much you want to charge the students

  • Teachers are FREE with registered studio/students


A minimum of 40 students is typically required to run the convention, but this can be flexible and can be negotiated with regard to the pricing per student. This can be split between one, two or three levels depending on the demographics of the students signing up. The suggested (but not mandatory) levels would be:

  • 6-9 year old’s

  • 9 or 10+ Beg/Int

  • 12 or 13+ Advanced


Note: These levels can be combined or altered at the host studio’s discretion.


To make it easier to obtain the minimum number of students needed, you can choose to:

  1. have the clinic at your own studio as an individual studio convention

  2. invite other studios you know to your studio for a friendly learning experience in a non-competitive environment, which will also increase the amount of students at the convention. This will cut down the number of students needed from your own studio to meet the minimum requirement

  3. collaborate with another studio to participate in their convention, again, in a non-competitive environment which will cut down on your own studio having to meet the minimum student requirement.


If you want to do the convention and you can’t meet the minimum requirements through any of the options above, but you need help pairing with another studio, please let us know and we will try to pair you with another studio in the area who either wants to, or is already running the convention.

Visual Media


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"Encore Dance Center has had the pleasure of hosting Hip Hop Connxion.  Their instructors break down the technique of hip hop for a truly unique experience.  The students learned so much in one weekend and the skills will stick with them forever.  We highly recommend them for in-studio workshops!”


Diane Holland & Jaime Popard (Studio Directors)

Encore Dance Center

Virginia Beach, VA

© Hip Hop ConnXion, The ConnXion Experience In-Studio Convention, and THE ONE Street Dance Showcase own and license all copyright rights in the text, images, photographs, video, audio, graphics, user interface, and other content provided on this website, and the selection, coordination, and arrangement of such content, to the full extent provided under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. You are prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, displaying, performing or transmitting any of the contents on this website for any purposes, and nothing otherwise stated or implied in the website without our express prior written consent. Systematic retrieval of data or other content from this website, whether to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory, is prohibited absent our express prior written consent.

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